Frequently Asked Question

1.2 Re-prescribe and discontinue a medication
Last Updated 4 years ago

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How to re-prescribe

After creating a visit, click on "Re-prescribe" if you want to prescribe a drug that is already in your patient's chart.


A window will appear on which you can read "Click a prescription in the summary list to re-prescribe". The sections of the file on the left will indeed leave room for the summary. Click on the prescriptions you want to re-prescribe. If you wish to change one, you can do so in the re-prescription window by clicking on the prescription in question. When you are done, click "Ok" to close the re-prescription window.


To the right of the posology, there is a button. You can click on it to change its state. If you change the dosage, you can indicate to the pharmacist that it was intentional by selecting the appropriate arrow. If the commercial name was changed, choose the side arrows, and if nothing has changed you can just leave the default option (barred square).


Here is the meaning of the 4 pictograms:

No information to send to the pharmacist regarding this medication.
Informs the pharmacist that you have deliberately changed one prescription for another (e.g. from Yaz to Loestrin).
Indicates that you have increased the strength of the prescription.

Indicates that you have decreased the strength of the prescription.
When you print the prescription, notice the pictogram that appears in front of it:


To discontinue a prescription

In the visit, in the "Prescriptions" section, select "Discontinue".


A window will appear on which it is written: "Click on a prescription in the summary list to stop it. »


When you select a prescription, you are asked to enter a reason for stopping and/or indicate if an allergy or intolerance is involved. When you are done, click on "Discontinue".


Close the window by clicking on:

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