Frequently Asked Question

FAQ: How do I send a colleague a result that wasn't intended for me?
Last Updated 4 years ago

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The simplest way is to click on the envelope at the top right to send them a message with the document attached. The document will however not disappear from your own inbox until you mark is as "seen".


If however you do not want to sign something that you are not involved in, there is a way to reassign it and remove your name, as long as you haven't marked it as seen yet. This is usually done by the people scanning, so it is done in the admin interface.

1) Click on the little person with a magnifying glass to open the patient search window

2) Search for your patient

3) The name of the patient will appear at the top left (top of the left menu). Click on the arrow to the left of the name to open the sub menu.

4) Double-click on Documents

5) Double-click on All, to see all documents, and double click on the one that wasn’t meant for you.

6) Just above the document, click on « Informations ».

7) Click on « Section other professionals »

8) Click on your name and click « Remove »

9) Click on « Add », then click on the magnifying glass to search for the right doctor for example. After their name is added, Click on « Ok ».

10) Click on the blue floppy disk to save.


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