Frequently Asked Question

1.8 Electronic signature
Last Updated a year ago

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It is possible for any Ofys user to have their own electronic signature. It is encrypted in your user account and appears automatically on your prescriptions and forms/enquiries.

Why is it useful?

First of all, you can fill in your prescription or request, print it and then give it directly to the patient since it will already be signed. If you decide to print your prescriptions on several pages, they will all be signed beforehand. This will save you time and ink!

Then, if you fill a prescription or a form on Ofys and you use the integrated fax service, your signature will also be displayed on the faxed documents. No need to print and sign them by hand before faxing! (To learn more about the integrated fax, click here to watch the webinar on this topic).

Signing is also a valuable tool for remote working. Imagine filling out a lab requisition from home or from the hospital, sending a message to the secretary to print it out at the clinic and send it to the patient, already signed.

Finally, if a patient loses a prescription, request or form that you made and comes to the clinic to get a new copy, the secretary will be able to reprint it. Since it was created by you, your signature will appear on the printed document.

If you are interested in this option, please contact us at

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